“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”
-Jimmy Neil Smith, Director of the International Storytelling Center
What’s this storytelling secret?
It’s no secret that storytelling is a powerful tool, technique or art to communicate information, build relationships, sell products, ideas, and inspire others. But, there are storytelling secrets which we can use to make maximum impact.
While giving a presentation, your audience may forget what you told them but they will never forget how you made them feel.
Storytelling has the unique power to change brain chemistry.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to possess that power?
So, allow us to introduce you to your old friends who were there with you from your happiest moments, difficult times and sad situations. Unfortunately, no one introduced them to you.
As you follow me through this blog, avoid skipping the video links. We have strategically used these videos so that you will get the right experience.
Angel’s Cocktail
Now if I come there through your screen, reach out, and check on you, there is a high chance of you having higher-level dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain. Basically, it acts as a chemical messenger between neurons.
One of the ways to trigger it is by building up suspense in your story.
Dopamine is also released when your brain is expecting a reward.
Every time when you tick your checklist do you remember a different feeling you get? Well!, your friend Dopamine is responsible for it.
When you come to associate a certain activity with pleasure, mere anticipation is enough to raise dopamine levels. It could be a certain food, sex, shopping, or just about anything else that you enjoy.
Now if we check you, Endorphins are formed in your body.

Endorphins are chemicals produced naturally by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress. They are often called “feel-good” chemicals because they can act as pain relievers and happiness boosters.
Endorphins can be triggered through humour. You might have observed, sometimes when you laugh a lot, you won’t feel the pain in your stomach for a while, but after a while, you start feeling the pain. The reason why you were not able to feel the pain initially is because of endorphins. That’s why endorphins are also known as pain relievers.

Oxytocin is an Empathy drug, a love drug, and a caring drug. The emotions you are going through after listening to the above story. Oxytocin is the reason for that emotion.
When you craft a story to trigger a combination of these three drugs your audience will feel good, happy, and an emotion that they can’t explain (In other words you have tapped into their reptilian brain). Your audience will love you as a speaker but they won’t know the exact reason behind it.
The combination of all these 3 drugs or hormones in your story
● Dopamine
● Endorphins
● Oxytocin
David JP Philips calls it the “Angels cocktail. “ It makes your audience feel good, energetic and positive.
So what’s the opposite of Angels cocktail? Well, I think you got it right, the “Devil’s cocktail.”
Devil’s cocktail

Cortisol is a stress drug, that gets us ready for flight or fight, it raises our heartbeat and focuses our attention.
Cortisols can be induced by asking questions like emotional questions, Philosophical questions etc.
I remember when my best friend was sleeping. His parents were next to him, trying to wake him up. But he didn’t wake up. He was not sleeping on a bed. He was sleeping peacefully in a coffin. I wanted him to wake up for one last time. We all wanted him to wake up and all we wanted was to go back home happily with him by our side. We knew it will never happen.
Have you experienced the same? All you wanted is for your loved one to wake up. Do you know how it feels?
Now the next drug is a little difficult to induce. So make sure you watch this next video with absolute attention. Or else you will miss the fun.

So this is your other friend’s adrenaline, which is induced by sudden shock or a scary situation.
Combination of these two hormones
● Cortisol
● Adrenalin
is known as the “Devil’s cocktail.”
By strategically crafting your story to induce the angel’s cocktail or devil’s cocktail, you can be an unforgettable speaker.
Stories have been effective for centuries and this is how you can capture someone’s attention.
So listen carefully to the stories of others but make sure to live your own life and create your own story because someday it will be your story that will be shared, life is precious and live a life that is legendary.
Place your hand on your heart and say “I will serve the best cocktail to my audience.”
Place your index finger on your forehead and say “I am a confident and powerful speaker.”
“This is a hot topic, so we are curious to see what you have to say. Share your thoughts about these storytelling secrets in the comments below.”